UA Philharmonic Orchestra

Brass, Large Ensembles, Percussion, Strings, Woodwinds

Venue: Fred Fox School of Music, Crowder Hall

UA Philharmonic Orchestra October 11, Friday, 7:30 p.m. Crowder Hall, $5 Box Office: 621-1162 Online Ticket Sales: PROGRAM: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1787) Symphony No. 36… More


Guest Artists, Woodwinds

Venue: Fred Fox School of Music, Holsclaw Hall

Tim Gocklin, oboe October 5, Saturday, 1:00 p.m. Holsclaw Hall, $Free Described by Fanfare Magazine as “extraordinary” with “remarkably beautiful oboe playing,” Tim Gocklin is the… More

UA Wind Symphony

Brass, Large Ensembles, Percussion, Woodwinds

Venue: Fred Fox School of Music, Crowder Hall

UA Wind Symphony September 26, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Crowder Hall, $5 The University of Arizona Wind Symphony begins its concert season with musical selections covering more… More

Arizona Symphony Orchestra

Brass, Composition, Guest Artists, Large Ensembles, Percussion, Strings, Woodwinds

Venue: Fred Fox School of Music, Crowder Hall

The Arizona Symphony Orchestra Thomas Cockrell, music director and conductor Samuel Pascoe, guest composer and conductor Saturday, September 21, 2019 Crowder Hall 7:30 p.m. $10 general… More

FACULTY ARTIST SERIES RECITAL – “Refraction” – Jackie Glazier, clarinet

Composition, Faculty Artists, Guest Artists, Percussion, Strings, Woodwinds

Venue: Fred Fox School of Music, Crowder Hall

“Refraction” – Jackie Glazier, clarinet     Yuanyuan (Kay) He, piano, composer      Sara Fraker, oboe Charles du Preez, bass clarinet Edward Goodman, alto saxophone Marissa Olegario, bassoon Morris… More

Artists from Wuhan Conservatory

Guest Artists, Keyboard, Strings, Woodwinds

Venue: Fred Fox School of Music, Holsclaw Hall

Artists from Wuhan Conservatory Ge Xu, flute Fei Xiao, violin Mengtian Liu, violin Min Long, viola Yan Tang, cello Wuna Meng, piano September 11, Wednesday, 7:00… More

UA Clarinet Studio Recital

Student Recitals, Woodwinds

Venue: Holsclaw Hall, 1017 N. Olive Road, Tucson, AZ 85721-0004

CONTACT: (520) 621-1655 TICKETS: Free admission