11th Annual International Guitar Festival
Hosts: Tom Patterson & Julia Pernet
Concerts, Competition, Master Classes
October 24-November 9, Thursday-Saturday
Co-sponsored by the Tucson Guitar Society
Rovshan Mamedkuliev (Russia)
October 24, Thursday, 7:00 p.m., Holsclaw Hall, $25, 20, 10
Tickets & Info: tucsonguitarsociety.org, 520-342-0022
Beeston Guitar Competition Finals
October 27, Sunday, 4:00 p.m., Holsclaw Hall, $10, 7, 5
Tickets: UA Fine Arts Box Office, tickets.arizona.edu, 520-621-1162
Duo Assad: Sérgio Assad & Odair Assad, Grammy Award-winning duo (Brazil)
November 2, Saturday, 7:00 p.m. & November 3, Sunday, 4:00 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $30, 25, 15
Tickets: UA Fine Arts Box Office, tickets.arizona.edu, 520-621-1162
European Guitar Quartet
Zoran Dukic (Croatia)
Pavel Steidl (Czech Republic)
Reentko (Germany)
Thomas Fellow (Germany)
November 6, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Centennial Hall, $50, 40, 29
Presented by UA Presents in collaboration with the Tucson Guitar Society
Tickets & Info: uapresents.org, 520-621-3341
Tucson Guitar Society Orchestra, directed by José Luis Puerta
November 9, Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (2331 East Adams Street), $Free
For a schedule of master classes please visit tucsonguitarsociety.org