Theory Readiness Quiz
Do I need to take the Quiz?
Bachelor of Music (BM) — Yes
If you are an applicant for the Bachelor of Music (BM) programs in Performance or Music Education, there are two possible starting points for your music theory instruction. In order to ensure that you are placed in the most appropriate of the two courses, you are strongly encouraged to take a Music Theory Readiness Quiz prior to Orientation.
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Music — It depends
If you are an applicant for the Bachelor of Arts in Music (BA) program, you may take the Quiz if your intention is to take more than one music theory course as part of your custom plan of study. If you intend to take only the most introductory course (MUS 119 Introduction to Music Theory), you are welcome to enroll in that class with your advisor at Orientation or in a later semester without taking the Quiz.
Music Minor — Not usually
If you are a Music minor, you are only required to take one theory course, MUS 119 Introduction to Music Theory, which does not require you to take the Quiz. However, if you feel that this course may be too introductory, or if you are intending to continue your music theory education with subsequent classes, we recommend that you take the Quiz.
How do I take the Quiz?
If you are an incoming student, you will be invited to take the Quiz prior to Orientation. Your advisor will send you a link and directions at least one week prior to your scheduled date. For all other students, please contact David Boulton if you would like to take the Quiz.
How can I prepare?
- Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter: A Programmed Course in Elementary Music Theory with an Introduction to Partwriting, by John Clough, Joyce Conley, and Claire Boge. W.W. Norton and Co.., 3rd edition. ISBN 0393973697
- Music Theory On Line (http://music-theory.com)
- MacGamut Music Software (www.macgamut.com)
With any other questions, pease contact David Boulton at davidboulton@arizona.edu