Piano Pedagogy Residency
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Barbara Fast
April 7-9, 2022
Funded by the Fred Fox School of Music
Endowed Chair for Music Studies
Host: Dr. Lisa Zdechlik
Barbara Fast, University of Oklahoma, serves as Director of Piano Pedagogy, Piano Area Chair, and Coordinator of Group Piano.
Dr. Fast received OU’s prestigious 2020 David Ross Boyd Award
for excellence in teaching.
Her lifelong interest in effective teaching led to researching the practical applications of educational and sports research for teaching piano in group and private lessons. Her interest culminated in the book iPractice: Technology in the 21st Century Music Practice Room (Oxford, 2018). A devoted teacher, Dr. Fast’s students have won numerous awards and secured teaching positions internationally including in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Asia.
“Teaching Artistry at the Elementary and Intermediate Level”
Thursday, April 7th
1:00-1:50 p.m., Room 121 (Keyboard Lab)
Teaching artistry at the beginning levels is just as important as teaching any other aspect of piano performance. The technique necessary for emphasizing artistry at the earliest level will be explored in detail, along with suggestions for continuing these techniques into the intermediate levels of repertoire.
“The Brains’ Negativity Bias: Facilitating Student
Empowerment in Teaching”
Saturday, April 9th
10:00-11:15 a.m., Room 232
The brain’s negativity bias, remembering the negative over the positive, will be discussed related to teaching music. Practical ideas for teaching private lessons and group classes in ways that fosters student self-empowerment will be presented.
“Why We Don’t Do What Works: Practice Tips
Our Brains Like but We Avoid”
11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Room 232
Research shows that various practice strategies are most effective and create the greatest improvement in performance. Our brains learn in specific ways most efficiently, but our natural tendency is to avoid them. What are the practice strategies that are most efficient for learning, why we don’t like to do them, and how to help ourselves do what really works, will be explored in this workshop.
Tucson, Arizona