Gabriel Bianco
The French guitarist, Gabriel Bianco, was born into a family of musicians, and received an early start on the guitar, receiving lessons with his father at age five. A few years later, in 1997, he began his studies in Paris with Ramon de Herrera at the Conservatoire National de Région, Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris (CNR-CSP). In 2005 he graduated with congratulations and a unanimous first prize. The same year, he received the highest rank in the entrance competition to the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP), where he received the top performance distinction under the teaching of Olivier Chassain. In addition, he attended master-classes with Roberto Aussel, Jose Luis Campana, Roland Dyens, Marcin Dylla, Edouardo Fernandez, Jérémy Jouve, Stephen Schmidt. He has also studied extensively with French virtuoso Judicaël Perroy.
Gabriel Bianco has many and varied musical activities (theater pieces, creation of new contemporary works…), but his primary activity is as a soloist in recital. He played his first concert in Paris when he was 15, and in 2002-2003, he performed in a theater play in Paris during a whole season with “théâtre fragile” company. His strong performances in international competitions since 2006 (1st prize in international competition “Gitarre Forum” in Vienna, Austria, “Hubert Kaeppel” in Koblenz, Germany,”Guitar Foundation of America” in San Francisco, USA, “Foundation San Gredos’ in Madrid, Spain), led to a very active performance career as a soloist.
He also is a member of the outstanding Eclisses Quartet with whom he travels widely.
Guitar Spring Fling
Concerts, Master Classes, Competition
March 16-25 Saturday-Saturday
Holsclaw Hall
Full Schedule: tucsonguitarsociety.org
Co-sponsored by the Tucson Guitar Society
The Tucson Guitar Society closes its International Artist Series for the season with Grammy Award-winning guitarist David Russell from Spain and Scotland, as well as the great young French performer Gabriel Bianco. One of Tucson’s great treasures is the musical residency of the extraordinary David Russell at the University of Arizona. He comes every year to teach and to perform, thanks to the legacy of Sandy Bolton. Russell also judges the David Russell Bach Prize Recital, which presents four top guitar students playing works of Johann Sebastian Bach. This year the winner will be awarded a custom guitar by German luthier Dennis Tolz, who will also be present at the event.
David Russell, guitar
March 16, Saturday, 7:00 p.m. & March 17, Sunday, 4:00 p.m., Holsclaw Hall, $30, 25, 15
Fifth Annual David Russell Bach Prize Finalists Recital
March 20, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., Holsclaw Hall, $10, 7, 5
Gabriel Bianco, guitar
March 23, Saturday, 7:00 p.m., Holsclaw Hall, $25, 20, 10
Tickets: tucsonguitarsociety.org