Mo Casorla & Alek Prok – Oboe and Bassoon Recital

Student Recitals, Woodwinds

Venue: Holsclaw Hall

PROGRAM Oboe Quartet in F Major, K. 370 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791) Compostela for Unaccompanied Bassoon Jenni Brandon (b. 1977) Récit et Allegro Noël-Gallon… More

Dolce Suono Guest Artist Master Class

Guest Artists, Master Class, Woodwinds

Venue: Choral Rehearsal Hall, 232

The Flute Studies Program and Fred Fox Graduate Wind Quintet is pleased to host the Dolce Suono Trio in a guest artist master class. The Dolce… More

Ian Tan – Bassoon Recital

Student Recitals, Woodwinds

Venue: Holsclaw Hall


Katie Ikesaki – Flute Recital

Student Recitals, Woodwinds

Venue: Holsclaw Hall
