Yuyin Li: Doctor of Musical Arts Qualifying Recital, piano

Keyboard, Student Recitals

Venue: Holsclaw Hall

Yuyin Li, piano Doctoral Qualifying Recital Tuesday, November 2, 7:30 p.m. Holsclaw Hall, $Free Watch Stream at: music.arizona.edu/live PROGRAM Chaconne in G major, HWV 435 George… More

Music + Festival 2021 Concert VI: Copland, Prado, Naoumoff

Faculty Artists, Guest Artists, Keyboard, Vocal

Venue: Fred Fox School of Music

Music + Festival 2021 Concert VI: Copland, Prado, Naoumoff Festival Director: Daniel Asia Sunday, October 10, 7:30 p.m. Holsclaw, $Free Tickets: music.arizona.edu/tickets The 14th annual Music… More

Faculty Artist Series Recital – Lin-Linder Piano Duo 

Composition, Faculty Artists, Keyboard

Venue: Crowder Hall

Lin-Linder Piano Duo – Fanya Lin and Daniel Linder, piano Daniel Asia and Yuanyuan (Kay) He, composers music.arizona.edu/live Lin-Linder Piano Duo began performing together after a dynamic… More