Please Note: The 3:00 performance is SOLD OUT. There are still seats available for the 7:30 performance.
“Holiday Card to Tucson”
Arizona Choir; UA Symphonic Choir; University Community Chorus; Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus; Tucson Girls Chorus
Holiday Card to Tucson is moving this year to St. Mark Catholic Church, a stunningly beautiful, visual and acoustic equivalent to St. Augustine. Our new location offers great sight lines for every patron, ample free parking and plenty of restroom facilities. We have moved the location of our annual sell-out concerts due to the construction at Cathedral Square. In order to accommodate our reserved seating patrons who may not want to drive, we are offering bus service from central locations that will leave one hour before the concert begins and will take you directly to and from St. Mark. Complete details regarding bus reservation along with directions to St. Mark are on the Holiday Card to Tucson website:
General Admission: Free
Reserved Seating: $50 two pew seats; $85 five pew seats; $150 ten pew seats.
Reserved seating will be guaranteed for those who complete the reservation/payment process
online by October 30. Reservations through the Holiday Card to Tucson website:
The pews at St. Mark are of varying length and therefore it is necessary for patrons to reserve
the specific number of pew seats needed. Thank you for your consideration of this new process.
(Reservation payment is not tax deductible)
Vouchers for reserved pew seats will be emailed beginning on November 13
General admission remains free to all, but everyone will need a voucher, which can be obtained
through the Holiday Card to Tucson website.
Free vouchers will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis and will be emailed beginning
on November 20 to those who requested them online. History indicates that these concerts
will fill up quickly, so don’t delay.